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The Ultimate Six the Musical Quiz

Think you know the hit musical Six? Test your pop skills with this histor-iffic quiz!

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 21st 2024
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What is the musical Six about?

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Which of these is NOT a song from Six?

Six / Idil Sarkan

Where is Anna from?

4/10 Adele!
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Which of these pop stars WASN'T an inspiration for Six?

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Complete the lyrics:L-O-L, say "Oh well", or go to hell.I'm sorry not sorry bout' what I said.Don't___

6/10 Here?
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Here's a tricky one! Where was Six first performed?

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Complete this rhyme:"Divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded___"


Henry VIII is the main character in Six. True or false?


What do you call this fetching item of clothing?

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Spot the odd one out:

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Uh oh! Not a fan of Six then?

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Not bad ...but you can do better. Have another go?

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Good work! But don't lose your head over it...

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Bravo! What a performance!