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Roblox: Creatures of Sonaria Quiz

Want to test your knowledge of this epic Roblox RPG? Try this monstrous creature feature and see how your skills stack up!

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

Creatures of Solaria is a really unique Roblox game, where you look after strange creatures in mysterious alien environments. Are you a fan of the weird and wonderful beasts that you find in the game? Let's see how much you know it - from Sonaria, to the gameplay, to the creatures themselves!

Right - let's get going, then! Wahoo!


Sonaria is a... what?

2/10 A retro video game

Creatures of Sonaria is an RPG. What does that stand for?


What does a photovore eat?

Creatures of Sonaria | Roblox | Roblox Corporation

What creature is this?

5/10 A person struggles to hold an umbrella up during a windy day

Which of these is NOT a real ability?

Creatures of Sonaria | Roblox | Roblox Corporation

What creature is this?


What part of Sonaria has more mountains?

Creatures of Sonaria | Roblox | Roblox Corporation

Yggdragstyx is a terrestrial omnivore. What does this mean?

Creatures of Sonaria | Roblox | Roblox Corporation

What creature is this?

10/10 Atlas mountains

Which one of these biomes is the coldest?

Creatures of Sonaria | Roblox | Roblox Corporation

Gasp! This score is monstrous! Too bad... looks like you'd better play some more Roblox and then have another go at this quiz! You know... for revision 🙂 If you think you'd rather see the back of Creatures of Sonaria though, you can always have a go at a different Roblox quiz!

Creatures of Sonaria | Roblox | Roblox Corporation

Pretty good! You definitely know a thing or two about Roblox Creatures of Sonaria! You got a lot of the right answers... but you did miss out on a few. Do you know where you went wrong? Fancy having another go and seeing if you can improve on this score? If not - we have lots of others to try! Go on!

Creatures of Sonaria | Roblox | Roblox Corporation

Amazing! This is a really great score! You clearly know loads about Roblox Creatures of Sonaria! Nicely done! You did miss out on one or two right answers, but no worries. Do you think you can beat this score on a different Roblox quiz? We have lots more to try!


Wow! Fantastic score! You know loads about Roblox Creatures of Sonaria! You scored a perfect 10/10 - so you pretty much know everything there is to know! Do you think you can match this score on a different Roblox quiz? Go on - let's find out!