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healthy eating quiz

The Ultimate Healthy Eating Quiz!

Are you clued up about different healthy foods? Take the quiz now and test your knowledge!

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024
1/12 Fruit and vegetables

How many portions of fruit and vegetables should you aim to eat each day?

2/12 A man holding lots of toilet rolls

Fibre is good for your digestive health. Which of the following foods does not contain it?

3/12 Close-up of egg shell

Meat, fish, beans and eggs are good sources of protein. Why do you need protein?

4/12 A man eating spaghetti bolognese

Spaghetti bolognese can be a low-cost, filling and delicious meal. What does spaghetti mean in Italian?

5/12 Fish finger sandwich

A fish finger sandwich is a fantastic and tasty way of getting some protein and Vitamin B. What does that vitamin do for you?

6/12 Cauliflower cheese

Cheese is a great source of calcium. What cheese is generally used in a cauliflower cheese dish?

7/12 A chef kissing his fingers

If you eat meat, what's the least healthy way to cook it?

8/12 Dog eating popcorn

What's the healthiest budget-friendly snack to have after school?

9/12 Baked beans

Experts suggest you go for low-sodium baked beans as the healthiest option. What is sodium?

10/12 Double yolk egg

You can boil, poach, scramble or fry and egg. Some even contain omega-3 fatty acids. Which of the following also contains it?

11/12 Broccoli

Leafy greens, like broccoli and spinach, are packed with Vitamin K. What are its health benefits?

12/12 Fruit smoothies

After all that food, you're bound to be thirsty. What's the best thing to wash it all down?

Result: oh no

Oh no! Why not try again?

Result: Good try

Good try! Some difficult questions, but you did pretty well!

Result: Great work

Great work! You're clearly a healthy eater, but don't celebrate with crisps!

Result: wow

Wow! You must be a chef or some kind of food expert!